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[PS3]Package (PKG) Manager v0.9 Erschienen!

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[PKG MANAGER v0.9 by Team REBUGme]

[PS3]Package (PKG) Manager v0.9 Erschienen! ICON03

Der PKG Manager ist ein Verbesserter Ersatz für die Originale "Install Pakage" Option im Game Menü.
Er erlaubt die Instalation und Löschen von PKGs im ordner dev_hdd0/packages und USB/packages.
das heist wenn ihr das instaliert müsst ihr ein Ordner im Root eures USB sticks erstellen mir den namen : "packages"
ohne die Gänsefüschen und da kommen die PKGs ab jetz rein!
Der PKG Manager kann auch Runtergeladenen PSN Content Managen!
Das bedeutet zb wenn jemand von euch von PSN was kauft es aber nicht sofort instaliert sondern wartet udn es beim nächsten start des spieles instaliert, der kann dan dieses Package im PKG manager sehen und Dumpen! so kann er es mit vielen anderen Teilen;)
Viel Spass!

1: Download the ‘Package Manager 0.9 – Installer’ package and install it on your PS3.
2: Run ‘Package Manager 0.9 – Installer’ and choose your option. (Rebug and OFW/CFW have slightly different icons in their RCO’s. THIS IS THE ONLY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO OPTIONS BELOW)

For Official Icon Set:
Press CROSS to INSTALL Package Manager 0.9
Press CIRCLE to UNINSTALL Package Manager 0.9

For Rebug Icon Set:
Press SQUARE to INSTALL Package Manager 0.9
Press TRIANGLE to UNINSTALL Package Manager 0.9

Hier die Orginale Beschreibung :

Navigate to ‘Game’ in your XMB and click on ★ Package Manager (It will be where ★ Install Package Files used to be). You will find three options.

★ PlayStation®Network Content
Manage your downloaded PlayStation®Network Content.

★ Install Package Files
INSTALL package files from Storage Devices and your PS3.

PS3™ Hard Disk – (dev_hdd0/packages)
Package Folder – (dev_usb/packages)
Standard Package Location – (Standard ★ Install Package Files locations)

NOTE: The ‘Install All Packages’ is only available by pressing the TRIANGLE button when the ‘Standard Package Location’ option is highlighted because the PS3 will only install ALL packages from the root of a storage device as of the moment.

★ Delete Package Files
DELETE package files from Storage Devices and your PS3.

PS3™ Hard Disk – (dev_hdd0/packages)
Package Folder – (dev_usb/packages)
Standard Package Location – (Standard ★ Install Package Files locations)

1: Highlight the file you would like to delete and press TRIANGLE. The sidebar should appear.
2: Press CROSS on either Unlink or Unlink(Folder) (Both do the same thing for now).

NOTE: Any files that you have Unlinked WON’T disappear from the XMB until you exit the directory!!

TODO: The delete feature while 100% working still needs a little work on the appearance (icons need fixing etc..) and maybe have a look at implimenting a Storage Device<->PS3 copy feature.

Enjoy.. Cyberskunk


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